Wednesday, October 17, 2012

One Big Step Closer...

So, our benefit/ auction/ worship/ coffee shop night turned out to be an amazing night of fellowship; reuniting with some folks and meeting others for the first time. We were humbled and blessed by everyone's presence and the fact that they were there for our two children awaiting us in Colombia left us undone and speechless to say the least! I'm pretty sure I cried at least 10 times that night. The event brought in a miraculous amount of $6,665.00, which is a tiny bit over what we need by the beginning of January! Praise Jehovah Jireh in His provision, through His people, for our two precious Colombian children. Oh, I almost forgot another HUGE detail to this milestone in the process and anyone who knows me for more than 5 minutes knows I ADORE details; I am my father's child after all. Our home study came in the mail the morning of the benefit finished, approved and along with 4 extra copies to send off with our grant applications.  Hallelujah!!! Oh Happy Day you were October 6th, 2012!  

The following weekend found us (Eric and I along with a couple friends) down in Indianapolis at one of our closest friends' conference they had been planning since about 6 months ago. We were honored and humbled to lead around 250 of God's people in song on Saturday night at this wonderful Influence Conference. You can find details on this wonderful conference for next year here @ While I did not experience much other than good food, a room of sweet singing people and seeing the couple of beautiful familiar faces, I heard it was an event never to forget; so check it out! This beautiful story of God's redeeming and transforming grace in a couple's life will rock your world. Please be blessed by their story here @ those of you waiting for the song list of the songs that were sung that night they are:

Jesus Paid it All
How Great is Our God (chorus & bridge)
How Great Thou Art (chorus)
10,000 Reasons 
Because He Lives
I Am Free (By our friend, Scott Cunningham)
Let Us Adore
Your Love Never Fails
In Christ Alone
Christ Is Risen
We Exalt Thee (chorus)
Nuts & Bolts

We are excited to start applying for grants and interest-free loans now that we have our home study to do so.  By the beginning of January, after we have paid off the $6,500 we owe our agency, we will need to turn around and immediately pay a bigger lump sum, only not in monthly payments this time.  So, we are trusting the Lord to provide that amount of $8,500.  Again, hopefully that amount will come mostly through grants/loans.  We have also been told by our agency that at the beginning of January the clock starts ticking with deadlines and expirations of things. We are not afraid, but trusting for His perfect provision and timing in all of this. 

We are praying about/planning recording a professional CD in December to help raise funds as well; We're really looking forward to that and will keep everyone on here posted as that progresses!  As for right now, anyone interested in buying the music we have recorded at the time can do so by clicking on our music tab on the blog. We also have a Finally Home Adoption facebook page that has a TON of items, left over from the benefit, that need to be bought.  And anyone just wanting to donate towards our adoption with a tax write-off can send a check made out to Gospel Community with the word "adoption" written on the memo, attaching a separate note to the check specifying it towards us Woods.  The address for Gospel Community is PO Box 85050, Fort Wayne, IN 46885. Again, this method will ensure you get a tax write-off for donating towards our cause. We are so thankful for you following our progress and lifting it up through prayers and financial support!

1 comment:

  1. My name is Shannon Hardesty and my husband and I are currently mid-process to adopt two little girls from Colombia through Adoption by Shepherd Care. Honestly, we were sitting at the dinner table, talking about how nice it would be if there was someone else with our agency going through this so I googled and your blog came up. We are located in Hanson, KY. My blog is If your like me, this journey is always at the front of your mind and fundraising is becoming a life-style. I'd love to chat. My email address is and my number is 270-339-0610. Blessings,
